Immerse with Australia

Main Reason to Live in Australia
This country has a high standard of living, welcoming to migrants, has a strong economy, low unemployment rate, and a modern lifestyle. No wonder it is hailed as one of the best countries in the world to live. These qualities made it a more attractive option for aspiring migrants to live in Australia.
Listed below are several reasons why people choose to migrate to Australia:
Multi-Cultural Society
Australia’s recent history is a story of mass immigration, from all parts of the world. 43% of Australians were either born abroad or have a parent who was born overseas. It is a truly multi-cultural society. Adjustments would not be that hard for new migrants.
Low Population Density
As of 2019, Australia has an estimated population of 25.09 million. Australia has a very low population density of 3 people per square kilometre as per the Australian community of 2019 demographics.
Perfect Nature
Australia is one of the most distinctive and diverse natural environment in the world. It has over 500 national parks and 14 world heritage areas. Discover golden sandy beaches, red desserts, and ancient rainforests. Enjoy the close encounter with animals in their natural habitats.
Health Care System
Australia ranks second best in the world when it comes to the healthcare system. It is according to the study done by the New York-based Commonwealth Fund. Medicare provides health coverage for all citizens and permanent residents of the country. The private healthcare system is available as well.
Job Opportunities
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the unemployment rate in Australia is 5%. There are lots of opportunities waiting for aspiring skilled migrants and licensed professionals in this country. Australia also promotes work-life balance system for workers.
Opportunities to Study
In terms of international students, Australia ranks third as the most number according to Australian Student Accommodation Market. There are a lot of study options in Australia. In fact, it has more than 1,200 public and private institutions and 22,000 programs offered. It is beyond the small population of the country.
Fast Visa Approval Visa Process
The visa approval process of the qualified migration program takes, on average, 18 months, which is considered fast compared to other countries.

Daily Life in Australia
Australia ranks third among 163 countries in the world as the safest region in the world. It is according to the Global Peace Index. In general, Australian citizens feel proud of the peaceful society in which they live.
Work is a fundamental value of society. But it is also necessary to have time for rest and recreational activities. Australia promotes work-life balance. It favours the enjoyment of free time with family, friends, and contact with nature. An employee can work up to 38 to 40 hours in a week or 7.6 to 8 hours a day. They usually work from Mondays to Fridays only.
Great Places to Travel
Australia ranks fourth in the world’s Top 10 Regions in Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2019. There are lots of beautiful places that this country can offer. From vast landscapes to pristine beaches and unspoiled nature.
These reasons attract many aspiring migrants to live, work, and study in Australia. If you are planning to move and to look for a better future, Do it now. Go hire a registered migration agent to check your eligibility and start processing your application.

Origin Migration
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